MomSquawk Writing Contest

If you've commented already, forgive my redundancy! ;)

You may have noticed that I’m totally marketing an essay I recently wrote. I wouldn’t be going so nuts about it, except that if I win this contest, I will be given a year-long writing contract, that will mean a minimum of $2,500 I can earn for my family. (And that is a lot of money for us, especially right now.)

Could I ask you to take about 5 minutes, or less, sometime this week, to help me win?

The contest is being held by a group that doesn't normally host such events, so the details are a little complicated:

Step 1: Go to the MomSquawk page, and “Like” it (

Step 2: Read, "Like," and comment on Tammy's essay (

Step 3: Share with your friends and family! (Personal messages to those who might like reading such an article--i.e., moms--seem to be working better than general status posting, if you're interested in helping me out by sharing the links.)

Step 4: Consider this your good deed for the day!!!

And, by the way, I am currently in the lead, but the margin is narrowing. The contest goes through midnight next Wednesday, April 20.

Thanks again!